Ten Classic Habits v. The Next Big Thing

A recent Seth Godin blog applauded and cautioned all the personalities, products, and trends to be featured in the “Next Big Thing” lists that smatter social media this time of year. 


“But the truth of the next big thing is that you can’t stay that way. The hot bands of yesterday aren’t hot the same way they were.”

– Seth Godin


So true, Seth. So true. So, rather than give you a list of top podcasts, blogs, CRMs, or fundraising techniques that will undoubtedly expire in the not-so-distant future, I made a list of classics. Classic habits that are becoming unconventional (thus, the comparison to their trending counterpart). These habits have helped me in my career and I’d recommend them to anyone building a cause. 


1. Coffee over Spam

Email will always win on efficiency, but its efficacy is dying. Rather than spam your entire list, take four donors and approach them for coffee. At least one will decline. You can manage three coffees over the next month. At each meeting, make it about getting to know the individual, not any ask. Trust me. They will ask you how they can help. Ask them to connect you to someone who might support your work. Rinse and repeat. See what happens over three months. 


2. Reading over Researching

For several years, I never read anything but business books. Nonfiction, borderline self-help, but basically, how-to books. How to grow my nonprofit, how to lead, how to serve, how to market, how to build a brand, how to…whatever. I was reading for research, not fun. Each book was a challenge to change, which is exhausting. I can’t remember what book got me back into fiction, but I’ve read at least two fiction books each month for the past several years. I haven’t lost any intelligence (that I’m aware of); I’m happier, more creative, and way less stressed. Business books are great, but they need to be seasoning on your literary intake, not the entire meal. 


3. Brainstorming over Scrambling

Very few people brainstorm habitually. We all do it on occasion for occasions, i.e., an event we’re planning, a marketing piece, perhaps some brand element. But, what about everything else? What about the non-creative elements of life? I find that if I make brainstorming a habit – with a team or on my own, I’m less panicked when I need a good idea. I focus on core areas of my work, i.e., subjects I’m teaching, areas I consult on, things I’m interested in learning about, etc. I use Trello to sort and store my ideas in my own personal library. They’re searchable and organized. Rather than scramble next time you need a good idea, what if you just pulled up your last brainstorm?


4. Calm Confidence over Crisis

I don’t do well with drama. Perhaps it comes from a career in the nonprofit sector where crisis management is par for the course. Perhaps it’s just a personal preference. When I began working with multiple clients, I noticed that most had a low threshold for drama…

…the email didn’t get sent out!

We sat the board president in the wrong seat!

Someone LOST the grant agreement!

The horror! The shame! The drama. Drama that usually leads to a blame game, wasted time, and bad energy. 

Nothing is a crisis until you make it one. That’s right. Like most things, it’s a choice. When something bad happens, maintaining calm is the best approach to get a solution quickly and with minimal collateral damage. It’s also modeled behavior that a good leader can use to change an organization’s culture. Choose calm. It’s a classy (and classic) good habit. 


5. Demonstrated over Declared Confidence

It’s always better to have someone else say how awesome you are. When it’s self-declared, it loses something and inspires eye rolls and gossip. You can be confident without sharing your life history and biggest triumphs. Don’t be the person that takes the air out of the room with stories of greatness. Instead, ask about others. Share humbly when it makes sense. Be human. Let others share about how great you are. 


6. Starting Early over Always On

Have you ever responded to an email between the hours of 11pm and 3am? Yep. Thought so. Was it a crisis? (if yes, see #4 above). Answering emails when you should be sleeping looks a lot like panic…or obsession. It’s not a good look. It’s also unhealthy and exhausting. Rather than employing an “anything goes’ mentality on work boundaries, try getting up at 5am. You’ll still beat the pack, and science has proven that our brains fire on more cylinders in the early hours. The quiet hours before the less ambitious folks roll out of bed will allow you time to catch up and work on the things you really want to. 


7. Truth over Fiction…or, Prediction

Stop Googling worst-case scenarios. Stop consuming research that only tangentially relates to your nonprofit, i.e, Fundraising stats from the largest nonprofits. Stop comparing yourself to someone else’s highlight reel on social media. I’ll steal one of Oprah’s lines and titles to make this point: What do you know for sure? 


Everything else is hearsay or hype. Focus on what is true in the moment, and you’ll make decisions more clearly.


8. Intention and Planning over “It’ll Come Together”

It almost always does come together. But, never as great as it could be with planning. This is the fine line between “getting by” and reaching the next level. Prioritizing strategic planning and creating a system of accountability to that plan are hallmarks of rapidly growing organizations. Smart growth is not reactionary; it’s proactive and process-driven. There will never be enough time, and it will never be a comfortable time to pull in the reigns and reassess what you’re doing. Do it anyway. 


9. Sticking to Purpose Rather than Prizes

Your work is impactful, valuable, and worth it regardless of whether it’s acknowledged or recognized by your peers or anyone else. The growth of “Top Whatever” lists has grown exponentially over the past decade, and with it, the dilution of what actually matters. Don’t get me wrong – if you’ve won one of these contests, that is fantastic. Congrats. But how much time, money (I hope not), and campaigning went into the effort? Work within your purpose and give it all you’ve got. Honor for good works should be given without application or competition. 


10. Steady and Stable over The Next Big Thing

The endorphin rush that comes with a trending post or award is short-lived and often brings a hangover that leaves you thirsting and searching for the next high. The peace and comfort that comes with continued progress are pure joy. If you’re like most Americans, you have a new year’s resolution relating to health or work/life balance. Help yourself out by resisting hype and taking the slow and steady path toward achievement. Who knows? Maybe building a mission or career based on purpose and steady growth will become the “next big thing.”


Three Messages Every Nonprofit Needs

If you help children…

That is fantastic. Likey, at least 25% of the other charities in your area do, too.


If you’re “ramping up,” you’re not alone…

Over 100,000 new nonprofits started last year.


If your needs are “greater than ever.”

Stand in line. 


Knowing how to talk about your organization is one of the greatest gifts you can give your supporters and those who serve with you. In fact, failing to teach your team, board, and volunteers to articulate your organization’s purpose and value sets them up to fail. Many of you, as you read this, are reciting your mission statement in your mind. Do you know it? Gold star. Is it profound and intriguing? 


Mission Statements, Vision Statement, Values? Which is the right message?


I once wrote, “A vision statement is your destination, a mission statement is your map, and your values are your guideposts.” 


As profound as that is, it’s still just semantics (which I also admitted in the same article). No matter the label, your nonprofit’s team needs to articulate three critical messages at any time to any audience: 


  1. Purpose + Impact: What does your organization do/fulfill/prevent/further? 
  2. Value Proposition: Why are you different, necessary, and exceptional?
  3. How do I help?

Grant applications and the I.R.S. may ask for a distinct mission statement, but people want to hear what you describe your organization in your words – as you see it. Reciting a script or reading from a brochure or the back of your business card is lame… Don’t do it. Encourage your team to develop their narrative around these three areas. Here’s some insight into crafting a message that fits:


The Three Messages Every Nonprofit Needs

Statement of Purpose: Nosedive past the 100,000-foot view to this core message


Typically, when I ask nonprofits about their purpose, they give me a vague statement alluding to a service area or audience. Too often, they also include lingo. For example:


We help people with felt needs in Region 5 of Michigan.


What was that??? Where is region 5? What region do I live in? I need a glass of wine on Friday nights, but I’m not sure I “feel” that…What does “felt needs” mean anyway? 


Lingo is not your friend. Being vague is the worst way to be concise. From wherever you’re sitting, describe the greatest impact you’ve seen your organization make in the past three months. Explain it as if you’re talking to a class of 4th graders right before recess.


It doesn’t need to be comprehensive. It can’t always be elegant, and it should never be wordy. Be prepared to share the message of what does your nonprofit will….








Tell the story from your position and perspective. It might not highlight the founder, C.E.O., or E.D., but that’s ok. It will likely fail to capture the full breadth of the organization’s services and splendor, but oh well. What impact have you personally seen this organization make? 


Value Proposition: Why you?

Undoubtedly, your organization has peers who do similar work. In a zero-sum game, a vote for your peer is a vote against your organization. The good news is that we’re not playing a zero-sum game. Generosity is infinite, and most data suggests we’ve hardly scratched the surface of capacity in most donor communities. That said, defining how you’re distinct or different from your peers is necessary. Being able to describe what makes your organization unique is a critical skill. If you find yourself saying, “We’re a lot like [insert name of similar organization],” you’re not doing yourself any favors. Be prepared to talk about your value without mentioning peers in a negative or positive light. 


Hubspot offers an excellent guide to determining your value proposition, but working with a strategic planning expert might be necessary to avoid common traps like using price or age to differentiate your organization. 


How can people help your organization? 

What is your response when someone asks how they can help your organization? 


  • Donate! Give support! 
  • All of our current volunteer opportunities are posted on our website.
  • Let me connect you with _______, our coordinator, director, V.P., etc., of engagement, volunteers, development, advancement, etc. 
  • Pray for our work! 
  • Spread the word! 


If your immediate response to this question is DONATE, there is work to be done on your messaging. When you don’t have ways for people to involve themselves in your organization’s work apart from giving money, you’re sending a message that their only value is financial. 


The offer will undoubtedly slip away if your response is too vague or a pass-off to another individual or place. Specificity not only helps you recruit the right help for your organization but also helps those supporting you feel more value in what they provide. Every nonprofit pro in your organization will have a different message, and that’s ok – in fact, every nonprofit pro needs a distinct message that is personal to them and their experience. Each week, consider your response to the question based on your actual needs. Try using the S.T.A.I.R. acronym to ensure the opportunities you present are clear and impactful:


SIMPLE | Choose opportunities that don’t require multiple steps or hand-offs. 

TIMELY | Be prepared to explain the current and possibly urgent need. Don’t ask for help with a project that is months down the road or about to be completed. 

AVAILABLE | Don’t send people to dead-ends! Make sure the programs you talk about accept volunteers or other support types. 

IMPACTFUL | Vague calls to action like “spread the word” may feel like a push-off to someone looking to become truly engaged. Be sure the opportunities you present have a clear link to impact. 

REASONABLE | Do not respond by asking someone to join the board. Ease into relationships with supporters by providing reasonable commitment levels. 


Being ready and capable of communicating well about your organization is critical to success. You don’t have to be the marketing person to craft these messages, either. They should be original to you and from your perspective. Regularly revisiting these three messages will help you communicate about your cause. Still, it also helps to revitalize your message as you grow as a professional and your organization develops over time.